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A member registered Jan 06, 2023

Recent community posts

that was great, well done!

that was pretty good, well done!

that was great, well done!

that was pretty good, well done!

that was great, well done!

that was well made, especially for a game made in 1 day

another great game, keep it up!

that was amazing, keep up the great work!

that was great, i love the graphics and the background sounds!

that was interesting, well done!

that was pretty good, well done!

that was great, well done!

that was well made and the graphics are great, well done!

that was great, well done!

that was interesting and well made, keep it up!

that was great, well done!

that was interesting, well done!

that was really good, well done!

that was great, well done!

that was great, well done!

that was great, managed to get both endings

that was pretty good, well done!

That was interesting, well done!

That was nice, well done!

that was great, keep it up Ziv!

that was great, well done!

that was great, well done!

that was well made, keep it up!

that was pretty good, well done!

that was amazing, well done!

well done, keep up the great work!

that was great, well done!

frustrating but fun as well, well done!

that was interesting, well done!

(1 edit)

that was short and well made, especially for a first game, keep it up!

that was interesting, well done!

that was good, well done!

that was amazing, keep up the great work!

that was great, well done!

that was well made, keep it up!